I've had a funny summer, and things don't seem to be showing any signs of returning to normal just yet!
DH and I have been at odds for a while. Over our house, our way of life, our children, how we both behave to each other.
The list goes on really!
So, I've been doing a lot of soul searching - of the type I haven't really done since college, trying to decide where I'm going - what exactly it is I'm expecting, or even want, out of life.
And I have to say.........
I have NO Idea!
Now is that sad, or is it a wonderful opportunity to branch out in a new direction?!
I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Loving the weekend!
Good Morning Company Girls! (well, it's actually almost 2pm here.......but I'm running late! Lol!)
Sorry I wasn't about yesterday, Sprog 3 and I took some time out after a hectic week and treated ourselves to lunch at the Garden Centre Cafe (her idea!), but come away in and find a seat..... the kettle's on!
Oh am I glad it's Saturday! DH is away on tour again (he's a coach driver and is having a busy year) so I feel like I've done 10 rounds with who ever is the current Boxing Champ! (I'd have said Mike Tyson, but I'm old!) I've taken the girls to all their activities that have started again - and Oohhhed and Ahhhed over their accomplishments as both Sprog 1 and 2 passed their assessments and moved up a level in their swimming class (they were both non swimmers at Easter) smiled as the Footy Coach commented on how Sprog 2 has grown up over the summer (which was nice of him as he's known her since she was 3 and an absolute whirlwind who couldn't listen or concentrate for more than a nano second!) and congratulated Sprog 1 on an excellent exam result.......achieved 3 years early!
In between I've fitted in a day at school, 3 days with the Home Ed student I'm supporting (don't think she think's I'm very supportive - I gave her some work to do! Lol!) and a lunch date with sprog 3 and DH at Pizza Hut before he went away (which I really should have posted about at the time - it was hilarious!)
Like I said in my last post - I'm shattered! - But it's only a season of my life, as I was reminded by a wise Mum of 4 I talk to on the school playground!
I love this lady, she is always (on the outside at least!) so calm and serene, and I've never heard her say a bad thing about anyone!
I first came accross her when her eldest daughter was in my class four or five years ago. She has 2 younger sons and another daughter, roughly similar ages to my 3, so we have a lot in common!
She is also one of the few parents who actually speaks to me........ I think I scare most of them - especially as some mornings I'm "the Teacher" opening their children's classroom doors!
On Friday we were commenting on how the week has seemed especially stressful now everything is back in full swing - Guides/Scouts/swimming/Music etc. In amongst all the usual parental complaints, she said something that hit me. I had a real lightbulb moment.
"It was so busy this morning and they were all getting at each other that we just had to stop and take a moment to pray that everyone would have a good calm day" she said (hope I've quoted accurately!)
Doh!!!! Now why didn't I think of that????!!!!! :-)
Why isn't my Faith strong enough to prod me to do such a thing?
I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm not in that place yet, so it wouldn't have occured to me to do so (and besides, I always feel "funny" asking for something for me!) but I did think, what a lovely way to bring some peace to the morning and get the day off to a better start!
How do other people get things back on an even keel?
I'm going to ponder that and let you know later! :-)
Sorry I wasn't about yesterday, Sprog 3 and I took some time out after a hectic week and treated ourselves to lunch at the Garden Centre Cafe (her idea!), but come away in and find a seat..... the kettle's on!
Oh am I glad it's Saturday! DH is away on tour again (he's a coach driver and is having a busy year) so I feel like I've done 10 rounds with who ever is the current Boxing Champ! (I'd have said Mike Tyson, but I'm old!) I've taken the girls to all their activities that have started again - and Oohhhed and Ahhhed over their accomplishments as both Sprog 1 and 2 passed their assessments and moved up a level in their swimming class (they were both non swimmers at Easter) smiled as the Footy Coach commented on how Sprog 2 has grown up over the summer (which was nice of him as he's known her since she was 3 and an absolute whirlwind who couldn't listen or concentrate for more than a nano second!) and congratulated Sprog 1 on an excellent exam result.......achieved 3 years early!
In between I've fitted in a day at school, 3 days with the Home Ed student I'm supporting (don't think she think's I'm very supportive - I gave her some work to do! Lol!) and a lunch date with sprog 3 and DH at Pizza Hut before he went away (which I really should have posted about at the time - it was hilarious!)
Like I said in my last post - I'm shattered! - But it's only a season of my life, as I was reminded by a wise Mum of 4 I talk to on the school playground!
I love this lady, she is always (on the outside at least!) so calm and serene, and I've never heard her say a bad thing about anyone!
I first came accross her when her eldest daughter was in my class four or five years ago. She has 2 younger sons and another daughter, roughly similar ages to my 3, so we have a lot in common!
She is also one of the few parents who actually speaks to me........ I think I scare most of them - especially as some mornings I'm "the Teacher" opening their children's classroom doors!
On Friday we were commenting on how the week has seemed especially stressful now everything is back in full swing - Guides/Scouts/swimming/Music etc. In amongst all the usual parental complaints, she said something that hit me. I had a real lightbulb moment.
"It was so busy this morning and they were all getting at each other that we just had to stop and take a moment to pray that everyone would have a good calm day" she said (hope I've quoted accurately!)
Doh!!!! Now why didn't I think of that????!!!!! :-)
Why isn't my Faith strong enough to prod me to do such a thing?
I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm not in that place yet, so it wouldn't have occured to me to do so (and besides, I always feel "funny" asking for something for me!) but I did think, what a lovely way to bring some peace to the morning and get the day off to a better start!
How do other people get things back on an even keel?
I'm going to ponder that and let you know later! :-)
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Back with a vengence!
Crikey I'm shattered!
Just before the summer I was offered a job working 1:1 with a young lady being Home Educated. It's only a few hours a week and I can take sprog 3 with me, so I jumped at the chance.
But starting back this week has been a shock to the system! Lol!
I've done 2 mornings so far this week - while DH was off fortunately, so Sprog 3 got to stay home and have some much needed "Daddy time" while I was out.
This afternoon I'm at school doing an afternoons' supply work with a year 2/3 class (year 2 are 6-7 and year 3 are 7-8) - which will be another shock, even though it was "my" age group for 11 years!
Tuesday, my toddler music group started up again - and no, I wasn't prepared! I was planning on starting next week, but everyone started talking about it on facebook and after the 3rd message I thought we'd better get going!
And right now I'm writing on here instead of doing my "homework"! - I'm supposed to be making a schedule chart for work tomorrow, but I'm still thinking on that one!
I have lots of ideas, I've had a whole selection in the classroom - and at home - over the years. I just can't find half my files (we've changed computers, and I really can't be faffed to go through ALL the CD-roms and floppy discs they may be on! Although I did spend an hour last night going through my large selection of pen drives!) and I also can't decide which format will be best!
As a Teacher I used to be decisive - and had loads of resources and ideas at my finger tips due to spending my "free" time on the internet looking at other teachers websites and recycling their ideas.
I haven't done so in a LONG time - and so now, despite the fact that I KNOW I'm more than capable fo doing what I've been asked to do, I find myself feeling as if I'm severly lacking somehow!
Anyone else feel like that?
I'll see you tomorrow for Company Girl coffee - I'm sure I'll be back on form by then, you don't keep a Primary Teacher down for long! Lol!
Just before the summer I was offered a job working 1:1 with a young lady being Home Educated. It's only a few hours a week and I can take sprog 3 with me, so I jumped at the chance.
But starting back this week has been a shock to the system! Lol!
I've done 2 mornings so far this week - while DH was off fortunately, so Sprog 3 got to stay home and have some much needed "Daddy time" while I was out.
This afternoon I'm at school doing an afternoons' supply work with a year 2/3 class (year 2 are 6-7 and year 3 are 7-8) - which will be another shock, even though it was "my" age group for 11 years!
Tuesday, my toddler music group started up again - and no, I wasn't prepared! I was planning on starting next week, but everyone started talking about it on facebook and after the 3rd message I thought we'd better get going!
And right now I'm writing on here instead of doing my "homework"! - I'm supposed to be making a schedule chart for work tomorrow, but I'm still thinking on that one!
I have lots of ideas, I've had a whole selection in the classroom - and at home - over the years. I just can't find half my files (we've changed computers, and I really can't be faffed to go through ALL the CD-roms and floppy discs they may be on! Although I did spend an hour last night going through my large selection of pen drives!) and I also can't decide which format will be best!
As a Teacher I used to be decisive - and had loads of resources and ideas at my finger tips due to spending my "free" time on the internet looking at other teachers websites and recycling their ideas.
I haven't done so in a LONG time - and so now, despite the fact that I KNOW I'm more than capable fo doing what I've been asked to do, I find myself feeling as if I'm severly lacking somehow!
Anyone else feel like that?
I'll see you tomorrow for Company Girl coffee - I'm sure I'll be back on form by then, you don't keep a Primary Teacher down for long! Lol!
Saturday, 4 September 2010
2 down, 1 left!
Good Afternoon Company Girls - and anyone else that drops in!
Sorry I'm late with the coffee, but I've only just found the lead to download my picies from the phone! Blame Sprog 1 - she says she didn't hide it, but I think she just didn't want to show off her lovely new uniform! Lol!
Anyway, it's offical, 2/3rds of my family is now back at school!
Sprog 3 is due to start Nursery at the end of September, but I think we'll be hanging on until after October half term as we still haven't mastered the bathroom! ......Sigh!
But that's a post for another day!
So, Friday morning dawned bright (and far too early for me!) and Sprog 1, who had been full of plans to be up by 6.30am and out by 7.30, almost missed it!
The look on her face when I shook her awake and said "It's gone quart-to-7!" was a picture.....she hasn't been up much before 9am all holidays!
Give her her due, she was ready far more quickly than I expected - and unfortunately for her my other half (ocassionally 'D'H for dear husband, usually just OH!) was on a rare day off and ribbed her mercilessly about her new school outfit!
Ties don't bother her - she's worn one for school since she was 5, but normally she wears a jumper. The new school has created an "unusual" (for round here anyway!) uniform of baby blue tank top and blazer. Both of which are compulsory!
Sorry I'm late with the coffee, but I've only just found the lead to download my picies from the phone! Blame Sprog 1 - she says she didn't hide it, but I think she just didn't want to show off her lovely new uniform! Lol!
Anyway, it's offical, 2/3rds of my family is now back at school!
Sprog 3 is due to start Nursery at the end of September, but I think we'll be hanging on until after October half term as we still haven't mastered the bathroom! ......Sigh!
But that's a post for another day!
So, Friday morning dawned bright (and far too early for me!) and Sprog 1, who had been full of plans to be up by 6.30am and out by 7.30, almost missed it!
The look on her face when I shook her awake and said "It's gone quart-to-7!" was a picture.....she hasn't been up much before 9am all holidays!
Give her her due, she was ready far more quickly than I expected - and unfortunately for her my other half (ocassionally 'D'H for dear husband, usually just OH!) was on a rare day off and ribbed her mercilessly about her new school outfit!
Ties don't bother her - she's worn one for school since she was 5, but normally she wears a jumper. The new school has created an "unusual" (for round here anyway!) uniform of baby blue tank top and blazer. Both of which are compulsory!
I think she looks quite smart! - She hates it! :-)
Mind you, I have to say that if my Dad could see her, he'd be shaking his head and tutting about the blazer that is FAR too big across the shoulders and threatening to take it away to be fixed!
But he's not, sadly, so she'll just have to grow into it!
Never one to miss an opportunity, here's all 3 sprogs, after 2 and 3 butted into the photo session!
And here's Sprogs 1 and 2 together so you can compare with last years picture!
So, here's to Sprog 3's departure to school in a few weeks. Although I must say I have mixed feelinga about that, I'm leaning towards Home Educating, but OH isn't keen and it would severly limit my ability to go back to work to buffer our coffers.
Ho hum, no one ever said parenting was easy did they?!
Have a good week everyone, see you next Friday!
Thursday, 2 September 2010
One Down, Two to go!
Sprog 2 went off to school this morning, happy as Larry and excited about what she'll get to do.
She's gone into year 1 this year, and personally I think she's in for a bit of culture shock as she discovers that things are far more formal ....... and there are no toys! (Well there are, but they don't come out just yet! lol!)
Will she survive? Heck yes, Sprog 2 bounces back from just about everything, it's not in her nature to be down for long (she's a bit like me in that respect.......probably why we often rub each other up the wrong way!)
Will her Teacher survive?
Hmmmm. I still haven't decided about that! :-)
Sprog 2's teacher this year is a Lady I know very well and have an enormous amount of respect for. She's practically superhuman as far as I can see!
We go waaayyyyyyyy back (too many years to tell you about!) because we started as newly qualified teachers together, 1 Headteacher and several OFSTED inspections ago!
I've worked with her through many trials and tribulations and she's seen me through a wedding (when she and a fellow teacher hijacked my class and sent me home a day early to get ready for the ceremony!) and the birth of my 3 girls, the death of my Father and my difficult decision to give up my post and take up Supply work.
.........And how do I repay this friendship?
I've sent her Sprog 2! :-)
........Ooops! :-)
Updated to add photos, Saturday 4th September!
Last year Sprog 2 came home covered in goodness knows what! This year she looked like this...........
She's gone into year 1 this year, and personally I think she's in for a bit of culture shock as she discovers that things are far more formal ....... and there are no toys! (Well there are, but they don't come out just yet! lol!)
Will she survive? Heck yes, Sprog 2 bounces back from just about everything, it's not in her nature to be down for long (she's a bit like me in that respect.......probably why we often rub each other up the wrong way!)
Will her Teacher survive?
Hmmmm. I still haven't decided about that! :-)
Sprog 2's teacher this year is a Lady I know very well and have an enormous amount of respect for. She's practically superhuman as far as I can see!
We go waaayyyyyyyy back (too many years to tell you about!) because we started as newly qualified teachers together, 1 Headteacher and several OFSTED inspections ago!
I've worked with her through many trials and tribulations and she's seen me through a wedding (when she and a fellow teacher hijacked my class and sent me home a day early to get ready for the ceremony!) and the birth of my 3 girls, the death of my Father and my difficult decision to give up my post and take up Supply work.
.........And how do I repay this friendship?
I've sent her Sprog 2! :-)
........Ooops! :-)
Outside the classroom
AMUpdated to add photos, Saturday 4th September!
Last year Sprog 2 came home covered in goodness knows what! This year she looked like this...........
Crikey! Smarter than she left home! Lol!
Friday, 27 August 2010
Back to School - the Past!
Good afternoon Company Girls, "come away in and find a pew" as my friend's Aunty used to say!
We're getting ready for back to school here - along with most other people on the planet! - my 5yr old starts next Thursday and my 13yr old moves to her new school on Friday, so I thought I'd share a couple of last years back to school photos so you can compare them next week! Lol!
Last September my 5yr old started fulltime in the Reception class at the school I used to teach at. Although she'd been in the Nursery class for 5 terms (she started early!) she was still really excited!
We're getting ready for back to school here - along with most other people on the planet! - my 5yr old starts next Thursday and my 13yr old moves to her new school on Friday, so I thought I'd share a couple of last years back to school photos so you can compare them next week! Lol!
Last September my 5yr old started fulltime in the Reception class at the school I used to teach at. Although she'd been in the Nursery class for 5 terms (she started early!) she was still really excited!
Here she was BEFORE she spent the day doing whatever it is energetic 5 year olds get up to!
Take note please of the neat cardigan and the carefully tied tie (we'd been practicing all summer!) and the huge cheerful grin!
Here's Big Sis too, all cool and calm in the year before's uniform that still fit! (I only had to buy shoes and 3 new shirts all year for her! Whooo Hooo!) She was going into her last year at her middle school and was confident that she'd do as well as she had always done! (In actual fact she did even better and won the trophy at the end of the year for "best girl" .... not that I like to brag or anything!" Lol!)
Now, here's my 5yr old at the END of her first day!
About the only thing that's still the same is her big grin! She'd managed to get paint and someone elses yogurt down herself, and goodness only knows what happened to her hair!
But she'd enjoyed herself, and continued to most of the year (we had a few hiccups along the way!) ....... all the adults around though were frequently heard to say "She's NOT like her sister is she?" ...... As Sprog 1 was such a quiet bookworm, this whirlwind was a shock to the system!
I really feel for her Teacher this coming year. Fortunately we've known each other for almost 20years as we both started as new Teachers at the school on the same day! Lol!
We have similar expectations and standards that we expect from the children, so I'm confident that Sprog 2 will do well - although I'm expecting tears and tantrums as she learns that Mrs S expects her class to work! :-)
Next week I'll let you know how this years photos turned out!
Have a good week everyone!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
.... Yes I know, we haven't had that most sacred of days "August Bank Holiday" yet. That day that consisted of being crammed in the car in the pouring rain and a 5 mile queue all in the interests of "having a good day out" when I was small!
But I'm a (currently non-practicing) Teacher ok, so humour me! :-)
Back in the day when I DID have my own classroom, August was my time to plan and discover. To trawl though my collection.... my extensive collection thanks to my Mum (a former youth worker) and my Aunt (a former Reception teacher) ..... of craft books and ideas. To route around in the crisp enticing catalogues that came with the summer issues of "Junior Education" and "Infant Projects", coming with thigs to do with shiny blue paper and glitter in a miriad of shades!
Now I sit at the computer working my way steadily through a new cartridge of ink and ream of paper, creating a 'Christmas planner' courtesy of Organized Christmas :-)
I first came across this about 4 years ago, and found the 6 week 'Christmas Countdown' helped get me to Christmas a little less frazzled.
Last year I tried to graduate to the BIG 18 week plan, the 'Holiday Grand Plan'.
I did really well....... I managed the planning stage, the delegating, organising stage. Errmmmmmm, then it got to the "doing", and actions gradually pettered out!
This year I'm starting afresh, and I'm determined I'll keep going until at least my birthday in October.
.......Anyone want to take a bet on how far I get?!
But I'm a (currently non-practicing) Teacher ok, so humour me! :-)
Back in the day when I DID have my own classroom, August was my time to plan and discover. To trawl though my collection.... my extensive collection thanks to my Mum (a former youth worker) and my Aunt (a former Reception teacher) ..... of craft books and ideas. To route around in the crisp enticing catalogues that came with the summer issues of "Junior Education" and "Infant Projects", coming with thigs to do with shiny blue paper and glitter in a miriad of shades!
Now I sit at the computer working my way steadily through a new cartridge of ink and ream of paper, creating a 'Christmas planner' courtesy of Organized Christmas :-)
I first came across this about 4 years ago, and found the 6 week 'Christmas Countdown' helped get me to Christmas a little less frazzled.
Last year I tried to graduate to the BIG 18 week plan, the 'Holiday Grand Plan'.
I did really well....... I managed the planning stage, the delegating, organising stage. Errmmmmmm, then it got to the "doing", and actions gradually pettered out!
This year I'm starting afresh, and I'm determined I'll keep going until at least my birthday in October.
.......Anyone want to take a bet on how far I get?!
I've no idea what I've done, but I lost the colour on my blog so I've had to faff about and learn what some of the other buttons on the posting screen actually do!
I still have an annoying little square that appears evert so often telling me that "this image has been deleted or removed" from when I tried to add the "Company Girls" button. Does anyone else have these hassles ........ or is it just me?! :-)
One or two of the many (too many probably!) Blogs I've been reading recently have been running some Blog "how to" articles.
I think the time has come to "read up" on how to sort this out!
Then maybe I can join in a little more confidently with some of the fabulous weekly "parties" that people host!
I still have an annoying little square that appears evert so often telling me that "this image has been deleted or removed" from when I tried to add the "Company Girls" button. Does anyone else have these hassles ........ or is it just me?! :-)
One or two of the many (too many probably!) Blogs I've been reading recently have been running some Blog "how to" articles.
I think the time has come to "read up" on how to sort this out!
Then maybe I can join in a little more confidently with some of the fabulous weekly "parties" that people host!
Friday, 13 August 2010
Almost over
We've just got back from a few days in Deepest Darkest Rural Wales - where my Mum has a little cotage near the sea - and this morning I took down all the "days" from our summer countdown calender. Sadly I'm faced with the fact that I have only 16 days until the time we designated as "getting ready for school" hits us :-(
Why are the summer holidays NEVER long enough now I'm a Grown-Up?
As a child I remember long days of playing in the garden (it must have rained, but I don't rememebr that!) of wqalking over the fields to the next village where my Grandma lived, and spending afternoons with her baking. I remember our family camping trips where we spent days on the beach and sight seeing (I think I've probably visited almost every church in East Anglia! Lol!)
So WHY is there never enough time now?!
The days seem shorter, the days become weeks so much more quickly! Just a few days ago I was thinking about a trip I took to meet up with an old friend. It was before I fell pregnant with my middle daughter - who is now 5!!! Eeekkkk!
Ho Hum!
As for our trip to Wales? Well we had an absolute whale of a time - spending many hours on the most gloriously sandy beach. I'd post photos, but I was too busy building sand castles and paddling with the girls to take any!
But you can use this link to see where we were!
After a loonnnggg drive home yesterday, I've still got the car to unpack and sort out properly - and a daughter to go back and collect! My 5yr old decided she wanted to stay on a little longer and have her first "adventure" without us!
I'm glad she's having the same fun in her summer holidays that I remember in mine, but I'm really NOT relishing the thought of that drive to go and fetch her on Monday!
Why are the summer holidays NEVER long enough now I'm a Grown-Up?
As a child I remember long days of playing in the garden (it must have rained, but I don't rememebr that!) of wqalking over the fields to the next village where my Grandma lived, and spending afternoons with her baking. I remember our family camping trips where we spent days on the beach and sight seeing (I think I've probably visited almost every church in East Anglia! Lol!)
So WHY is there never enough time now?!
The days seem shorter, the days become weeks so much more quickly! Just a few days ago I was thinking about a trip I took to meet up with an old friend. It was before I fell pregnant with my middle daughter - who is now 5!!! Eeekkkk!
Ho Hum!
As for our trip to Wales? Well we had an absolute whale of a time - spending many hours on the most gloriously sandy beach. I'd post photos, but I was too busy building sand castles and paddling with the girls to take any!
But you can use this link to see where we were!
But here we are on the beach in Yorkshire the week before!
After a loonnnggg drive home yesterday, I've still got the car to unpack and sort out properly - and a daughter to go back and collect! My 5yr old decided she wanted to stay on a little longer and have her first "adventure" without us!
I'm glad she's having the same fun in her summer holidays that I remember in mine, but I'm really NOT relishing the thought of that drive to go and fetch her on Monday!
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Splashin' Good Fun!
Yesterday was an "odd" day.
I had to be up at 04.30 to get my eldest daughter, her friend (another Guide) and an older lady (a former Guider) to a coach waaayyyyy accross town for a 6am pickup.
They were travelling to Yorkshire to a HUGE one day Festival to mark the Centenary of Girl Guiding in the UK (around the rest of the world the centenary is happening over the next couple of years)
Despite them leaving late, I was still home by 7am and found the house still quiet, neither of my younger 2, nor my husband had stirred.
BLISS! :-)
I caught up on some blog reading, checked out routes for a trip we're making next week and read a few posts on Facebook (where I've discovered a lot of my old classmates hang out, it's good to catch up on life "back home" now I've been gone over 20 years...eeekkkk!)
Both girls surfaced within minutes of each other, with DH in hot pursuit downstairs to make breakfast (that's a novelty!) so we headed to a neighbouring town to the playground at the park (which is SO much nicer than anything we have locally!)
Because it was still quite early and the weather was not the nicest - warm enough but quite overcast - they had the WHOLE playground to themselves for almost an hour. AND I'd thought to take an old beach towel with me to wipe the swing and slide so they didn't get a soogy bum! (Mind you, CJ in her impatience DID sit on the only thing that hadn't been wiped, but she'll learn!)
ON the way home we decided to stop at McD's ...... and eat IN, (smallest was MOST impressed! hee hee!) so by the time we headed home it was only just after 1pm and we'd done everything! Whoo Hoo!
Then the Heavens opened, Oh Boy did it RAIN!!!!!!!
It was so wet as we pulled onto the drive that DH refused to get out of the car and sat reading the paper that we'd got on the way home until it stopped raining! (What a wuss!)
Not so the smalls. Oh no!
Mummy was dispatched to open the boot and find the raincoats and wellies left over from our trip north on Sunday - oh yeah, it's OK for me to stand there in just a T-shirt getting wet through, but the girlies want their kit! Lol!

Luckily we also keep a GINORMOUS golfing brolly in the boot, so I didn't get too wet, and it was worth it to watch them having fun!

Although I wasn't too impressed when they decided to catch the rain in their hands and then sprinkle it all over me!
I had to be up at 04.30 to get my eldest daughter, her friend (another Guide) and an older lady (a former Guider) to a coach waaayyyyy accross town for a 6am pickup.
They were travelling to Yorkshire to a HUGE one day Festival to mark the Centenary of Girl Guiding in the UK (around the rest of the world the centenary is happening over the next couple of years)
Despite them leaving late, I was still home by 7am and found the house still quiet, neither of my younger 2, nor my husband had stirred.
BLISS! :-)
I caught up on some blog reading, checked out routes for a trip we're making next week and read a few posts on Facebook (where I've discovered a lot of my old classmates hang out, it's good to catch up on life "back home" now I've been gone over 20 years...eeekkkk!)
Both girls surfaced within minutes of each other, with DH in hot pursuit downstairs to make breakfast (that's a novelty!) so we headed to a neighbouring town to the playground at the park (which is SO much nicer than anything we have locally!)
Because it was still quite early and the weather was not the nicest - warm enough but quite overcast - they had the WHOLE playground to themselves for almost an hour. AND I'd thought to take an old beach towel with me to wipe the swing and slide so they didn't get a soogy bum! (Mind you, CJ in her impatience DID sit on the only thing that hadn't been wiped, but she'll learn!)
ON the way home we decided to stop at McD's ...... and eat IN, (smallest was MOST impressed! hee hee!) so by the time we headed home it was only just after 1pm and we'd done everything! Whoo Hoo!
Then the Heavens opened, Oh Boy did it RAIN!!!!!!!
It was so wet as we pulled onto the drive that DH refused to get out of the car and sat reading the paper that we'd got on the way home until it stopped raining! (What a wuss!)
Not so the smalls. Oh no!
Mummy was dispatched to open the boot and find the raincoats and wellies left over from our trip north on Sunday - oh yeah, it's OK for me to stand there in just a T-shirt getting wet through, but the girlies want their kit! Lol!

Luckily we also keep a GINORMOUS golfing brolly in the boot, so I didn't get too wet, and it was worth it to watch them having fun!

Although I wasn't too impressed when they decided to catch the rain in their hands and then sprinkle it all over me!

Sunday, 25 July 2010
My Darling Husband just doesn't "get" this parenting lark!
This weekend Sprog 1 has been away on Guide camp, and oh the peace! (I mean, yes we've missed her and everything, but 1 less person in our tiny space makes SUCH a difference! Especially when it means that Sprog 2 is no longer trying to decide which sister she is playing with!)
So, with DH away early on a trip out (he's a coach driver....... he has some really ridiculous schedules!) Sprog 2 decided she would step up and organise breakfast for herself and her sister without disturbing me. Lovely heh?!
I gradually came too as the sounds of "Fireman Sam" on endless repeat filtered through my foggy brain.
Stumbling downstairs I discovered that they had helped themselves to our Traditional "First Saturday of the Holidays" breakfast of Chocolate chip muffins. No problem there, they'd even managed to get the dirty plates to the kitchen sink! (Note to self, get Sprog 1 to go away more often Lol!)
Wonderful - and it was still only 8.30am!
It went downhill from there.
Half an hour later, while I had my hair full of soap and couldn't really hear much over the noise of the shower, along comes Sprog 2 - "Can we have a biscuit?"
What? Huh? - NO! You've only just had breakfast!
Another half an hour passes, and I'm busy sewing campblankets for the campfire we'd been invited to. Blankets and badges spread ALL over my bed (the largest uncluttered space in the house!). Up trundles Sprog 3 - clearly acting on orders from big sis! - "We're hungry, can we have a biscuit?"
No! You've only just had breakfast, we'll have elevenses in a bit!
........ It's now 9.45!
At 10.30 I wander into the kitchen to grab a drink and find out how things are...... and disover that the tops of all the muffins that were left are now missing! Picked over by little fingers!
Give her her due, Sprog 2 owned up immediately! - And was sent to clear up her bedroom floor as punishment.
So, I text DH (who is always complaining that I don't involve him with family discipline - on account of him never being around at "crunch time"!) and explain the situation.
.......... His suggestion??
..... to explain to Sprog 2 that the ONLY thing in the kitchen she can help herself to without asking is a drink!
...... Errrmmmmmmmm......... That's the rule anyway, which was the point of my asking for his input!
Arrggghhhhhh! :-)
Bless him!
And Sprog 2? Well she's been to apologise and has decided that her punishment should be "I won't have a muffin next time we have them" ..... so maybe I'm on the right track after all!
This weekend Sprog 1 has been away on Guide camp, and oh the peace! (I mean, yes we've missed her and everything, but 1 less person in our tiny space makes SUCH a difference! Especially when it means that Sprog 2 is no longer trying to decide which sister she is playing with!)
So, with DH away early on a trip out (he's a coach driver....... he has some really ridiculous schedules!) Sprog 2 decided she would step up and organise breakfast for herself and her sister without disturbing me. Lovely heh?!
I gradually came too as the sounds of "Fireman Sam" on endless repeat filtered through my foggy brain.
Stumbling downstairs I discovered that they had helped themselves to our Traditional "First Saturday of the Holidays" breakfast of Chocolate chip muffins. No problem there, they'd even managed to get the dirty plates to the kitchen sink! (Note to self, get Sprog 1 to go away more often Lol!)
Wonderful - and it was still only 8.30am!
It went downhill from there.
Half an hour later, while I had my hair full of soap and couldn't really hear much over the noise of the shower, along comes Sprog 2 - "Can we have a biscuit?"
What? Huh? - NO! You've only just had breakfast!
Another half an hour passes, and I'm busy sewing campblankets for the campfire we'd been invited to. Blankets and badges spread ALL over my bed (the largest uncluttered space in the house!). Up trundles Sprog 3 - clearly acting on orders from big sis! - "We're hungry, can we have a biscuit?"
No! You've only just had breakfast, we'll have elevenses in a bit!
........ It's now 9.45!
At 10.30 I wander into the kitchen to grab a drink and find out how things are...... and disover that the tops of all the muffins that were left are now missing! Picked over by little fingers!
Give her her due, Sprog 2 owned up immediately! - And was sent to clear up her bedroom floor as punishment.
So, I text DH (who is always complaining that I don't involve him with family discipline - on account of him never being around at "crunch time"!) and explain the situation.
.......... His suggestion??
..... to explain to Sprog 2 that the ONLY thing in the kitchen she can help herself to without asking is a drink!
...... Errrmmmmmmmm......... That's the rule anyway, which was the point of my asking for his input!
Arrggghhhhhh! :-)
Bless him!
And Sprog 2? Well she's been to apologise and has decided that her punishment should be "I won't have a muffin next time we have them" ..... so maybe I'm on the right track after all!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Oh My!
....... Is it really a week already? Gosh, all you Company Girls have caught me on the hop this afternoon! Lol!
Here I am, 2nd day of the summer holidays and I've not managed to do ANYTHING on my list! :-)
Mind you, I have arranged a "field trip" to a museum with friends for the end of the holidays, spoken to my Mum on the phone (a rare occurance these days) and arranged to meet up for a quick visit to the seaside, played with my 2 youngest (an even rarer occurance unfortunately) and watched my eldest pack herself up for Guide Camp! With MY socks I have to say......... apparantly all hers are "in the wash" ?!?!!
I really should have realised it was Friday after doing all that shouldn't I?!
So, onwards and upwards. My husband thinks he might have 2 days off together on Monday/Tuesday, BLISS!
Now I finally feel motivated to "get something done" (well. other than the washing, which seems to do itself......... I think sprog 1 has finally sussed out that just leaving her clothes in a heap by the washer just doesn't work! Lol!). I'll have to see if I can borrow the camera to show you my progress - or better yet, see if my earnings this month will stretch to getting MY camera fixed!
Oh the joy of having nowhere to be in a morning....... I can feel my stress and disillusion with life melting away a little at last!
Have a good week everyone - Rachel Anne, will you have the horse mural finished? It looks fabulous by the way! (Shame you live on the wrong side of the "pond"!) - come call again and I'll try to have the kettle on ready!
Here I am, 2nd day of the summer holidays and I've not managed to do ANYTHING on my list! :-)
Mind you, I have arranged a "field trip" to a museum with friends for the end of the holidays, spoken to my Mum on the phone (a rare occurance these days) and arranged to meet up for a quick visit to the seaside, played with my 2 youngest (an even rarer occurance unfortunately) and watched my eldest pack herself up for Guide Camp! With MY socks I have to say......... apparantly all hers are "in the wash" ?!?!!
I really should have realised it was Friday after doing all that shouldn't I?!
So, onwards and upwards. My husband thinks he might have 2 days off together on Monday/Tuesday, BLISS!
Now I finally feel motivated to "get something done" (well. other than the washing, which seems to do itself......... I think sprog 1 has finally sussed out that just leaving her clothes in a heap by the washer just doesn't work! Lol!). I'll have to see if I can borrow the camera to show you my progress - or better yet, see if my earnings this month will stretch to getting MY camera fixed!
Oh the joy of having nowhere to be in a morning....... I can feel my stress and disillusion with life melting away a little at last!
Have a good week everyone - Rachel Anne, will you have the horse mural finished? It looks fabulous by the way! (Shame you live on the wrong side of the "pond"!) - come call again and I'll try to have the kettle on ready!
Friday, 16 July 2010
Red Sky at Night.......
Well, phew! :-)
What a week and a half this has been! The summer holidays are almost upon us and EVERYTHING is happening at once! Add to that my husband being away and I feel like I've been pulled in a million different directions at once!
But tonight I'm taking a breather - I have nowhere to be tomorrow, well, except for a little trip to the Guide shop for some badges for the end of term party, so I'm enjoying a re-run of an old sitcom where the main character reminds me SO much of my Dad and an old family friend and watching the beautiful pink sky!
BLISS! :-)
We've just had a huge thunderstorm, so everything smells wonderful and the light is fantastic, - clear and bright, yet mellow and soft all at the same time.
After all the ridiculously HOT days we've had over the last couple of weeks it's so good to feel cool and watch this light again!
SO, what HAVE we been up to since I last posted?
Well, we've had a sports day that sprog 3 and I went to watch - briefly before she had a major paddy so we had to leave until she'd calmed down. Much to Sprog 2s disappointment!
A Sports day we didn't go to - Sprog 1 didn't really see the point as she wasnt' doing anything....... but came back and told us she'd come 4th in the 800m (Grrrr!)
A HUGE Guiding event for our Centenary, held at the nearby Safari Park. Over 2000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders all out for a good time, arriving in over 20 coaches...... poor animals didn't know WHAT had hit them! :-)
Errrmmmmm, oh, a Concert I didn't know was happening (don't you just love the teenage ability to not communicate! Lol!)
A Church Flower Festival where I entered my very first flower arrangement!
A new job! (Yeah!!!!)
A music exam for Sprog 1 - oh, and a maths exam taken 3 years early (hope to goodness she passes, don't think I can stand the angst again! Lol!)
.......... And no husband for the best part of this last month because he's been out on tour after tour!
No wonder I'm shattered! Lol!
Roll on Wednesday - LAST DAY OF TERM!
I LOVE the Summer Holidays!
What a week and a half this has been! The summer holidays are almost upon us and EVERYTHING is happening at once! Add to that my husband being away and I feel like I've been pulled in a million different directions at once!
But tonight I'm taking a breather - I have nowhere to be tomorrow, well, except for a little trip to the Guide shop for some badges for the end of term party, so I'm enjoying a re-run of an old sitcom where the main character reminds me SO much of my Dad and an old family friend and watching the beautiful pink sky!
BLISS! :-)
We've just had a huge thunderstorm, so everything smells wonderful and the light is fantastic, - clear and bright, yet mellow and soft all at the same time.
After all the ridiculously HOT days we've had over the last couple of weeks it's so good to feel cool and watch this light again!
SO, what HAVE we been up to since I last posted?
Well, we've had a sports day that sprog 3 and I went to watch - briefly before she had a major paddy so we had to leave until she'd calmed down. Much to Sprog 2s disappointment!
A Sports day we didn't go to - Sprog 1 didn't really see the point as she wasnt' doing anything....... but came back and told us she'd come 4th in the 800m (Grrrr!)
A HUGE Guiding event for our Centenary, held at the nearby Safari Park. Over 2000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders all out for a good time, arriving in over 20 coaches...... poor animals didn't know WHAT had hit them! :-)
Errrmmmmm, oh, a Concert I didn't know was happening (don't you just love the teenage ability to not communicate! Lol!)
A Church Flower Festival where I entered my very first flower arrangement!
A new job! (Yeah!!!!)
A music exam for Sprog 1 - oh, and a maths exam taken 3 years early (hope to goodness she passes, don't think I can stand the angst again! Lol!)
.......... And no husband for the best part of this last month because he's been out on tour after tour!
No wonder I'm shattered! Lol!
Roll on Wednesday - LAST DAY OF TERM!
I LOVE the Summer Holidays!
Friday, 11 June 2010
Company Girls Friday Coffee
I've been reading all the Company Girls friday posts for a while now, and decided to take the plunge and join in!
Hopefully the thought of lots of people stopping by to see what I've been up to might motivate me to actually DO some of the jobs I keep promising!
Recently I've been very .... well not lazy exactly, but certainly struggling to get up and "DO" so this would be a great improvement :-) We'll have to see how it goes - I still feel pretty overwhelmed by it all. It's like facing a HUGE knot in my life. I know I can unpick it and wind up all the string, it's just a case of finding the right end to start at!
So, what HAVE I been up to today? Well, recent struggles and budget difficulties have left all the cupboards (and the freezer) drastically bare, so I decided that the only cause of action was to go and flex the recently emptied plastic and re-fill everything.
Because I wasn't pressurised by the need to stick to "the list" and only the list, and I wasn't counting the cost all the way round the supermarket, I actually had fun with my toddler. SHE got to pick the biscuits for the tin today (Hope you like Bourbon creams!) instead of me looking along the line for the cheapest, she also got to choose herself a comic - something she hasn't done in months!
OK the comic was an extravagance -especially as she decided to pick up one for her next eldest sister as well "because Cayin will be sad if she not got one when my reading!" (have to say that's Toddler's name for her sister as she can't yet pronounce it properly!) - but as I'm always trying to encourage sisterly love what could I say?!
It was so good to actually have fun instead of feeling so snippy and harrassed. I don't plan on making a habit of using the plastic to pay for my groceries, but today it was definately the right thing to do!
As for the rest of my "overwhelming" life...... well it'll still be there next week. Why not call back and see how far I've got?!
I've been reading all the Company Girls friday posts for a while now, and decided to take the plunge and join in!
Hopefully the thought of lots of people stopping by to see what I've been up to might motivate me to actually DO some of the jobs I keep promising!
Recently I've been very .... well not lazy exactly, but certainly struggling to get up and "DO" so this would be a great improvement :-) We'll have to see how it goes - I still feel pretty overwhelmed by it all. It's like facing a HUGE knot in my life. I know I can unpick it and wind up all the string, it's just a case of finding the right end to start at!
So, what HAVE I been up to today? Well, recent struggles and budget difficulties have left all the cupboards (and the freezer) drastically bare, so I decided that the only cause of action was to go and flex the recently emptied plastic and re-fill everything.
Because I wasn't pressurised by the need to stick to "the list" and only the list, and I wasn't counting the cost all the way round the supermarket, I actually had fun with my toddler. SHE got to pick the biscuits for the tin today (Hope you like Bourbon creams!) instead of me looking along the line for the cheapest, she also got to choose herself a comic - something she hasn't done in months!
OK the comic was an extravagance -especially as she decided to pick up one for her next eldest sister as well "because Cayin will be sad if she not got one when my reading!" (have to say that's Toddler's name for her sister as she can't yet pronounce it properly!) - but as I'm always trying to encourage sisterly love what could I say?!
It was so good to actually have fun instead of feeling so snippy and harrassed. I don't plan on making a habit of using the plastic to pay for my groceries, but today it was definately the right thing to do!
As for the rest of my "overwhelming" life...... well it'll still be there next week. Why not call back and see how far I've got?!
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Getting Stuck In!
Right, no time like the present is there?!
I've just wandered into the kitchen - which has been ignored TOTALLY today (and not had much Tlc all week! Ooopss!)
Here is what I found......... yuck!

Isn't that just DISGUSTING!!!
How can I even think about "organising" when I can't even keep dishes done?
As for the pile on the table. Well sadly, a lot of that is homeless. No excuse for it being on the table..... but at the minute I don't know WHERE to put it!
It will have to go though, as my goal for the family is to get back to eating at the table all together (well, at least me and the girls, DH works such silly unpredictable shifts we never know when he'll be about!)
SO, no more computer. I need to get cracking. I'll come back later and post some (hopefully) better pics of my grotty kitchen! :-)
Someone once told me "It gets worse before it gets better!"
I've no idea what they were refering too, but it might as well have been my house! I just don't know what to do next!
It seems no matter how much "stuff" I get rid of, find homes for or dump, it just multiplies over and over again. We're now getting to the point where WE are going to have to move out - there just isn't room for us amongst all the "Stuff"!
My biggest problem?
-Well other than the fact that 5 of us are now crammed into this little house that was so lovely as a "starter home"?, or mthe fact that all 5 of us collect things (I have Guiding parafanalia, school "stuff", the children have toys, books, favourite pictures, my husband.... well he's into trains, enough said really!) -
My biggest problem is ME!!!
I procrastinate.
I like "to organise" .... in other words, browse everybody else's Blogs and websites and find the "perfect" organising solution, then spend hours and ££££s sorting out lovely little boxes/labels/bags/timetables...... you get the idea!
And of course, in the process, NOTHING happens..... except the piles grow, topple, get moved and create whole independent life forms of their own!
Time to get back to simple I think! ..... Is anyone hosting an organising project?
I've no idea what they were refering too, but it might as well have been my house! I just don't know what to do next!
It seems no matter how much "stuff" I get rid of, find homes for or dump, it just multiplies over and over again. We're now getting to the point where WE are going to have to move out - there just isn't room for us amongst all the "Stuff"!
My biggest problem?
-Well other than the fact that 5 of us are now crammed into this little house that was so lovely as a "starter home"?, or mthe fact that all 5 of us collect things (I have Guiding parafanalia, school "stuff", the children have toys, books, favourite pictures, my husband.... well he's into trains, enough said really!) -
My biggest problem is ME!!!
I procrastinate.
I like "to organise" .... in other words, browse everybody else's Blogs and websites and find the "perfect" organising solution, then spend hours and ££££s sorting out lovely little boxes/labels/bags/timetables...... you get the idea!
And of course, in the process, NOTHING happens..... except the piles grow, topple, get moved and create whole independent life forms of their own!
Time to get back to simple I think! ..... Is anyone hosting an organising project?
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