Right, no time like the present is there?!
I've just wandered into the kitchen - which has been ignored TOTALLY today (and not had much Tlc all week! Ooopss!)
Here is what I found......... yuck!

Isn't that just DISGUSTING!!!
How can I even think about "organising" when I can't even keep dishes done?
As for the pile on the table. Well sadly, a lot of that is homeless. No excuse for it being on the table..... but at the minute I don't know WHERE to put it!
It will have to go though, as my goal for the family is to get back to eating at the table all together (well, at least me and the girls, DH works such silly unpredictable shifts we never know when he'll be about!)
SO, no more computer. I need to get cracking. I'll come back later and post some (hopefully) better pics of my grotty kitchen! :-)
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