Well, phew! :-)
What a week and a half this has been! The summer holidays are almost upon us and EVERYTHING is happening at once! Add to that my husband being away and I feel like I've been pulled in a million different directions at once!
But tonight I'm taking a breather - I have nowhere to be tomorrow, well, except for a little trip to the Guide shop for some badges for the end of term party, so I'm enjoying a re-run of an old sitcom where the main character reminds me SO much of my Dad and an old family friend and watching the beautiful pink sky!
BLISS! :-)
We've just had a huge thunderstorm, so everything smells wonderful and the light is fantastic, - clear and bright, yet mellow and soft all at the same time.
After all the ridiculously HOT days we've had over the last couple of weeks it's so good to feel cool and watch this light again!
SO, what HAVE we been up to since I last posted?
Well, we've had a sports day that sprog 3 and I went to watch - briefly before she had a major paddy so we had to leave until she'd calmed down. Much to Sprog 2s disappointment!
A Sports day we didn't go to - Sprog 1 didn't really see the point as she wasnt' doing anything....... but came back and told us she'd come 4th in the 800m (Grrrr!)
A HUGE Guiding event for our Centenary, held at the nearby Safari Park. Over 2000 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders all out for a good time, arriving in over 20 coaches...... poor animals didn't know WHAT had hit them! :-)
Errrmmmmm, oh, a Concert I didn't know was happening (don't you just love the teenage ability to not communicate! Lol!)
A Church Flower Festival where I entered my very first flower arrangement!
A new job! (Yeah!!!!)
A music exam for Sprog 1 - oh, and a maths exam taken 3 years early (hope to goodness she passes, don't think I can stand the angst again! Lol!)
.......... And no husband for the best part of this last month because he's been out on tour after tour!
No wonder I'm shattered! Lol!
Roll on Wednesday - LAST DAY OF TERM!
I LOVE the Summer Holidays!
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