I had to be up at 04.30 to get my eldest daughter, her friend (another Guide) and an older lady (a former Guider) to a coach waaayyyyy accross town for a 6am pickup.
They were travelling to Yorkshire to a HUGE one day Festival to mark the Centenary of Girl Guiding in the UK (around the rest of the world the centenary is happening over the next couple of years)
Despite them leaving late, I was still home by 7am and found the house still quiet, neither of my younger 2, nor my husband had stirred.
BLISS! :-)
I caught up on some blog reading, checked out routes for a trip we're making next week and read a few posts on Facebook (where I've discovered a lot of my old classmates hang out, it's good to catch up on life "back home" now I've been gone over 20 years...eeekkkk!)
Both girls surfaced within minutes of each other, with DH in hot pursuit downstairs to make breakfast (that's a novelty!) so we headed to a neighbouring town to the playground at the park (which is SO much nicer than anything we have locally!)
Because it was still quite early and the weather was not the nicest - warm enough but quite overcast - they had the WHOLE playground to themselves for almost an hour. AND I'd thought to take an old beach towel with me to wipe the swing and slide so they didn't get a soogy bum! (Mind you, CJ in her impatience DID sit on the only thing that hadn't been wiped, but she'll learn!)
ON the way home we decided to stop at McD's ...... and eat IN, (smallest was MOST impressed! hee hee!) so by the time we headed home it was only just after 1pm and we'd done everything! Whoo Hoo!
Then the Heavens opened, Oh Boy did it RAIN!!!!!!!
It was so wet as we pulled onto the drive that DH refused to get out of the car and sat reading the paper that we'd got on the way home until it stopped raining! (What a wuss!)
Not so the smalls. Oh no!
Mummy was dispatched to open the boot and find the raincoats and wellies left over from our trip north on Sunday - oh yeah, it's OK for me to stand there in just a T-shirt getting wet through, but the girlies want their kit! Lol!

Luckily we also keep a GINORMOUS golfing brolly in the boot, so I didn't get too wet, and it was worth it to watch them having fun!

Although I wasn't too impressed when they decided to catch the rain in their hands and then sprinkle it all over me!

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