Monday, 2 May 2011

This is MY life!

There was a song in the charts when I was a young teenager - don't remember the title, but this morning while I sat in bed feeling all hard done to, some of the lyrics flashed through my mind........

"'s my party and I'll cry if I want to......"

I was feeling sooooooooooo fed up!

I spent my Wedding Anniversary on my own yesterday, my Husband was away on a tour - again! Like he has been for pretty much EVERY Anniversary for the last 18 years.
To make matters "worse" (in my mind, I was feeling fed up remember!) he'd just shot out to work without a kiss or a hug. I felt like I hadn't seen him in days!

Then I heard my friends voice telling me off  (no, I don't think I'm crackers, but I do have conversations with some people in my head!... I choose to think it's my self concious sorting me out! Lol!) and reminding me that, having made my choice, it was up to me how I dealt with the consequences!

.....Don't you just LOVE "smart" friends! Grin! This one is probably my best friend ever, because he NEVER lets me wallow in meloncholy, I always get a kick up the behind from him, even though he's usually working thousands of miles away and we only talk occassionally!

I thought about this revelation for a minute or two. And eventually I had to admit, that he was right (shush, don't ever tell him will you?! He's big headed enough as it is! Lol!) - even though I was enjoying my selfpity, and even though I felt I was pretty justified in feeling that way. it really wasn't helping - was it?!

So, what have I done today instead of my "planned" moping and griping?

Well I started by checking emails and looking on Facebook. There is a game I play there, it involves creating a party in a forest. If you don't visit and clear out the trees regularly it gets all overgrown and you can't see what you have acomplised so far.

Yep,  I can see you're there before me! Grin.

I have been "down in the dumps" for a while about the mess my life, my house and my marriage are in. Sitting about, trawling the net looking for inspiration....and there's lots out there. My biggest problem was..... I just couldn't be bothered!
From where I was sitting, everything just looked so overwhelming, I couldn't decide where to start.

......And then it hit me, as I looked at this game and started chopping down the trees and supplying all the stalls on the screen.
I ALWAYS do it the same way, I start at one side of the entrance to the game and work my way round each little bit, sorting it out as I go. And if I run out of "energy" and have to stop playing until later on in the evening, then I just start right where I left off and keep going.

THAT'S where I start!

I do one thing at a time, and just keep plodding away! And if I "run out of steam" - well I just leave it until tomorrow!


.....Now WHY didn't I think of that sooner?!

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