Friday, 23 July 2010

Oh My!

....... Is it really a week already? Gosh, all you Company Girls have caught me on the hop this afternoon! Lol!

Here I am, 2nd day of the summer holidays and I've not managed to do ANYTHING on my list! :-)
Mind you, I have arranged a "field trip" to a museum with friends for the end of the holidays, spoken to my Mum on the phone (a rare occurance these days) and arranged to meet up for a quick visit to the seaside, played with my 2 youngest (an even rarer occurance unfortunately) and watched my eldest pack herself up for Guide Camp! With MY socks I have to say......... apparantly all hers are "in the wash" ?!?!!

I really should have realised it was Friday after doing all that shouldn't I?!

So, onwards and upwards. My husband thinks he might have 2 days off together on Monday/Tuesday, BLISS!
Now I finally feel motivated to "get something done" (well. other than the washing, which seems to do itself......... I think sprog 1 has finally sussed out that just leaving her clothes in a heap by the washer just doesn't work! Lol!). I'll have to see if I can borrow the camera to show you my progress - or better yet, see if my earnings this month will stretch to getting MY camera fixed!

Oh the joy of having nowhere to be in a morning....... I can feel my stress and disillusion with life melting away a little at last!
Have a good week everyone - Rachel Anne, will you have the horse mural finished? It looks fabulous by the way! (Shame you live on the wrong side of the "pond"!) - come call again and I'll try to have the kettle on ready!


One More Equals Four said...

I have been enjoying the care free vacation a little too much. School is just around the corner and I am NOT ready! Sounds like you have some fun times planned, hope you enjoy and your hubby gets that wonderful time off! Have a great weekend!

Ashley Pichea [] said...

Enjoy your summer holiday! We've had a busy summer so far, but we've finally hit a "quiet" spot. I'm enjoying being in one place for longer than just a few days! :)

Erin said...

Our summer has been busier then I expected, with camps and VBS, but we are also enjoying ourselves, and being lazy when we have the chance.

Enjoy our vaca while it lasts.

Beth said...

Can I just say that I like reading your posts because there are just a few little "tells" that remind me that you live in a different part of the world than I do? Like "realise" with an s, or "washing" instead of laundry. I love how bloggie world brings us all together. Enjoy your vacation! I'm taking a morning off, although I really should be doing something, I'm sure. :)

Rachel Anne said...

The answer to the mural question: I'm going to try and finish them on Monday/Tuesday. I don't know if it's possible, because some more stuff has been added to the wish list, but we'll see. I decided to take this week off from the mural, since this is supposed to be my vacation (ha).

I'm loving the quiet. But it helps that my guys can text, call and email photos of their fun right from their phones. Enjoy your summer relaxation!

Katharine said...

Enjoy your holiday! Ours starts soon and I can't wait..Blessings on your day!

dawn said...

Fridays just keep coming...don't they? Enjoy your holiday!