Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Yeah! Progress!

Hurray for me! ....Well and DH who has worked really hard the last couple of days!

We've cleared out the Garage! You can now walk from front to back....... or at least you would be able to if the bikes weren't in there!

I can now get to my old Scout box which has housed all my Guiding stuff in secret for the last 4 years! (Oh and what treasures I discovered I can tell you!) and DH can get to all his maps instead of half killing himself leaning over the top of all the kids outdoor toys and the camping stuff!
And if we wanted to go camping at the drop of the hat ... we can! 'Cos I now know where all the bits and pieces are (including the new stove still in it's box in the living room!...Hmmm, still some work to do then!)
And he took 3 loads of stuff to the tip yesterday, so it really has GONE!!!!

YEAH!! Go us!

... Now if I can just get another 2 boxes of stuff back to my Mum then Sprog 2s bike would stand in the front of the garage and we really would be able to walk through!

Other great news is that in the middle of all the stuff yesterday I found 2 small cork notice boards that used to hang in the kitchen many moons ago when we first moved in. The migrated to the classroom and back to the garage when I left and had disappeared under all the junk.
I dusted them off and put them back in the kitchen - along with some pictures of other peoples "Family Command Centres" - and DH has said he will have a go at coming up woth something for me!

HUGE news... because he's not that into DIY!

I'll have to post a picture when it's done!

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