Saturday, 15 August 2009

Drowning under paper!

OK, I've been away, I've had a think.... and a look round a great many other fantastic blogs! -Don't you find you can get lost in those things? I read an interesting article and then follow the "you might be interested in.." button and end up going through another 3 or4 blogs before the dulcet tones of DH asking if I'd like a brew filters through the organising fog and I realise I've been reading for an hour or so! Eekk!

....But I digress (I'm good at that... which is probably why I'm in the mess I'm in! Lol!) Where was I? Oh yes, been away, had a think.

OK, the whole house is a mess - and has been pretty much since we started filling it 3 days after we moved in! :-) When Flylady defined "CHAOS!" as "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome!" she must have been looking in my window!
But, as she says often "It didn't get this way in a day" - so getting it "right" is going to be a long term project!

Which leads me onto my title.


What does everyone else do with it?

I have ideas I've printed from the net (darned thing! :-)) Papers relating to activities my older 2 girls do, papers for the Guide and Brownies units I run, papers and papers and papers from and for school (I'm a supply teacher and keep a stash of "quick things to do in an emergency!") a mirriad of papers drawn on with varying degrees of success by all 3 girls and all the usual fast food menus, bills, postcards and usual letters.

Long term paperwork (guarantees, birth certificates etc) are stored away in a trunk my Dad made me for college, (....which itself is buried under a whole heap of stuff!) ... But what can i do with the rest of it when I don't get time to file every day..or week.....hmmm, or even month come to that!

Ah ha! Just answered one question! I need to build time in each month somewhere to actually DO the filing don't I?! Doh!
OK, but what shall I do with the stuff during the month?!


Back soon, with pictures of the chaos!

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