Hurray for me! ....Well and DH who has worked really hard the last couple of days!
We've cleared out the Garage! You can now walk from front to back....... or at least you would be able to if the bikes weren't in there!
I can now get to my old Scout box which has housed all my Guiding stuff in secret for the last 4 years! (Oh and what treasures I discovered I can tell you!) and DH can get to all his maps instead of half killing himself leaning over the top of all the kids outdoor toys and the camping stuff!
And if we wanted to go camping at the drop of the hat ... we can! 'Cos I now know where all the bits and pieces are (including the new stove still in it's box in the living room!...Hmmm, still some work to do then!)
And he took 3 loads of stuff to the tip yesterday, so it really has GONE!!!!
YEAH!! Go us!
... Now if I can just get another 2 boxes of stuff back to my Mum then Sprog 2s bike would stand in the front of the garage and we really would be able to walk through!
Other great news is that in the middle of all the stuff yesterday I found 2 small cork notice boards that used to hang in the kitchen many moons ago when we first moved in. The migrated to the classroom and back to the garage when I left and had disappeared under all the junk.
I dusted them off and put them back in the kitchen - along with some pictures of other peoples "Family Command Centres" - and DH has said he will have a go at coming up woth something for me!
HUGE news... because he's not that into DIY!
I'll have to post a picture when it's done!
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Drowning under paper!
OK, I've been away, I've had a think.... and a look round a great many other fantastic blogs! -Don't you find you can get lost in those things? I read an interesting article and then follow the "you might be interested in.." button and end up going through another 3 or4 blogs before the dulcet tones of DH asking if I'd like a brew filters through the organising fog and I realise I've been reading for an hour or so! Eekk!
....But I digress (I'm good at that... which is probably why I'm in the mess I'm in! Lol!) Where was I? Oh yes, been away, had a think.
OK, the whole house is a mess - and has been pretty much since we started filling it 3 days after we moved in! :-) When Flylady defined "CHAOS!" as "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome!" she must have been looking in my window!
But, as she says often "It didn't get this way in a day" - so getting it "right" is going to be a long term project!
Which leads me onto my title.
What does everyone else do with it?
I have ideas I've printed from the net (darned thing! :-)) Papers relating to activities my older 2 girls do, papers for the Guide and Brownies units I run, papers and papers and papers from and for school (I'm a supply teacher and keep a stash of "quick things to do in an emergency!") a mirriad of papers drawn on with varying degrees of success by all 3 girls and all the usual fast food menus, bills, postcards and usual letters.
Long term paperwork (guarantees, birth certificates etc) are stored away in a trunk my Dad made me for college, (....which itself is buried under a whole heap of stuff!) ... But what can i do with the rest of it when I don't get time to file every day..or week.....hmmm, or even month come to that!
Ah ha! Just answered one question! I need to build time in each month somewhere to actually DO the filing don't I?! Doh!
OK, but what shall I do with the stuff during the month?!
Back soon, with pictures of the chaos!
....But I digress (I'm good at that... which is probably why I'm in the mess I'm in! Lol!) Where was I? Oh yes, been away, had a think.
OK, the whole house is a mess - and has been pretty much since we started filling it 3 days after we moved in! :-) When Flylady defined "CHAOS!" as "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome!" she must have been looking in my window!
But, as she says often "It didn't get this way in a day" - so getting it "right" is going to be a long term project!
Which leads me onto my title.
What does everyone else do with it?
I have ideas I've printed from the net (darned thing! :-)) Papers relating to activities my older 2 girls do, papers for the Guide and Brownies units I run, papers and papers and papers from and for school (I'm a supply teacher and keep a stash of "quick things to do in an emergency!") a mirriad of papers drawn on with varying degrees of success by all 3 girls and all the usual fast food menus, bills, postcards and usual letters.
Long term paperwork (guarantees, birth certificates etc) are stored away in a trunk my Dad made me for college, (....which itself is buried under a whole heap of stuff!) ... But what can i do with the rest of it when I don't get time to file every day..or week.....hmmm, or even month come to that!
Ah ha! Just answered one question! I need to build time in each month somewhere to actually DO the filing don't I?! Doh!
OK, but what shall I do with the stuff during the month?!
Back soon, with pictures of the chaos!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Playing Catch Up!
Oh I'm one for great plans I am..... but sadly I am greatly lacking in the motivation to follow up on them!
Perfectionism I suppose. Usually dressed up in "I can't do that, the girls never give me a moments peace!"
But I've been reading some wonderful blogs lately, many written by ladies who not only have more children than me (often younger than mine as well!), but who Home School at the same time! Eeekkk!
Whilst I'd love to do that (although I'd feel a little hypocritical seeing as I still work at one of our local schools) I'd never have any place for the children to write or draw or do crafts!
Definately time to "Catch up" with all my ideas and get them moving - I want a "Home Sanctuary" too!
So, in the morning, after many lists on many scraps of paper, I'm off camping with the girls for a few days. DH is away - we both need a break from each other after the gripes of the last few months :-( , so we're taking the opportunity to get away too!
See you in a few for the "New Improved!" Riggers blog! :-)
Perfectionism I suppose. Usually dressed up in "I can't do that, the girls never give me a moments peace!"
But I've been reading some wonderful blogs lately, many written by ladies who not only have more children than me (often younger than mine as well!), but who Home School at the same time! Eeekkk!
Whilst I'd love to do that (although I'd feel a little hypocritical seeing as I still work at one of our local schools) I'd never have any place for the children to write or draw or do crafts!
Definately time to "Catch up" with all my ideas and get them moving - I want a "Home Sanctuary" too!
So, in the morning, after many lists on many scraps of paper, I'm off camping with the girls for a few days. DH is away - we both need a break from each other after the gripes of the last few months :-( , so we're taking the opportunity to get away too!
See you in a few for the "New Improved!" Riggers blog! :-)
Friday, 19 June 2009
A Rose by any other name....
Quotes and oneliners are a big thing in our house at the moment thanks to PJs English Teacher.
We're almost at the end of Yr 7 and PJs homework is to learn "something from Shakespeare to do at the end of term"
Don't you just love it when they listen and come home with the full story! Lol!
So, the ensuing discussion revolved in an everlasting circle about what she knew about Shakespeare, exactly WHAT her Teacher had said and whether she had to do a monologue ("A What?") or learn a dialogue with a partner.
I wouldn't mind, but she's supposed to be one of the more able in her year, considers herself good at English and is always raved about by the staff whenever I go up to school!
Anyway, it got me thinking about things we say that children may not fully understand, but don't want to admit.
The first is my DD4's understanding of my Father dying. We'd taken her to see him when he was first ill, as they were very close. Then we'd carefully explained that 'Grandad was very ill and his body was so poorly he couldn't use it anymore and so he died' (he had a massive - undiagnosed until it was too late - brain tumour) She seemed to accept this and, having discussed it at school with her teacher (a long standing former colleague of mine) she came home to tell me that "grandad is in Heaven and he can see me when I do things!"
Then, a few weeks later we got in the car to travel to a near by town (Hemel Hempstead, known to us as "Hemel") CJ was all excited. "Will we see Grandad?"
Grandad? I wondered, as my DH's Father lives at the other end of the country!
"Yes, Grandad that died. He's in Hemel, that's why he can't visit us anymore!"
DD12 rolled her eyes and said "You mean Heaven?"
"Yes!" says DD4, quite indignantly! "That's what I said!"
So, watch this space for a growing list, and the fun I have explaining!
We're almost at the end of Yr 7 and PJs homework is to learn "something from Shakespeare to do at the end of term"
Don't you just love it when they listen and come home with the full story! Lol!
So, the ensuing discussion revolved in an everlasting circle about what she knew about Shakespeare, exactly WHAT her Teacher had said and whether she had to do a monologue ("A What?") or learn a dialogue with a partner.
I wouldn't mind, but she's supposed to be one of the more able in her year, considers herself good at English and is always raved about by the staff whenever I go up to school!
Anyway, it got me thinking about things we say that children may not fully understand, but don't want to admit.
The first is my DD4's understanding of my Father dying. We'd taken her to see him when he was first ill, as they were very close. Then we'd carefully explained that 'Grandad was very ill and his body was so poorly he couldn't use it anymore and so he died' (he had a massive - undiagnosed until it was too late - brain tumour) She seemed to accept this and, having discussed it at school with her teacher (a long standing former colleague of mine) she came home to tell me that "grandad is in Heaven and he can see me when I do things!"
Then, a few weeks later we got in the car to travel to a near by town (Hemel Hempstead, known to us as "Hemel") CJ was all excited. "Will we see Grandad?"
Grandad? I wondered, as my DH's Father lives at the other end of the country!
"Yes, Grandad that died. He's in Hemel, that's why he can't visit us anymore!"
DD12 rolled her eyes and said "You mean Heaven?"
"Yes!" says DD4, quite indignantly! "That's what I said!"
So, watch this space for a growing list, and the fun I have explaining!
Monday, 15 June 2009
Getting Organised?
Well, I was right, I didn't keep the Blog up very well did I?! -And I'm still envious of some of the others I read. I've just the most amazing one - I'm an Organizing Junkie which I'm working my way through.
Being organised is my dream! In my final year teaching I cracked the classroom, but unfortunately I'm still losing the fight at home! -Mind you, one of my excuses (and yes I AM clutching at straws!) is that we live in a TINY Tiny little house!
It was fabulous when I lived here on my own in the 2 months before we got married, then DH moved down from up north, along with his record collection and overwhelming pile of Train spotting books, photos and notebooks. Added to all my Teaching "stuff" and Guiding "stuff" things got a little tight!
The DD12 arrived and Grandad (who sadly passed away last May) went doolally! PJ was the apple of his eye and anything she mentioned in his earshot arrived for Birthday or Christmas (we often felt he had missed his vocation, he was just the right shape and had just the right attitude to take on that famous North Pole job!)... so more pressure on the garage!
With the arrival of DD4 and DD2...... well suffice to say that we basically have just too much "Stuff" for the little 2 up 2 down cottage we love!
So. Getting organised. Hmm where to start?
Several years ago I subscribed to Flylady - I read the testimonial's ( I often find them uplifting) and the "Missions" (of which I manage about 1 in 3!) and have tried to build my routines and family organiser (though I must admit I got that from Organized Christmas and then got hooked!)... but I just can't get "into it" enough to keep up the momentum!
So, a slight change of tack for this Blog (hey, no sense starting a new one, it'll just sit there cluttering up cyberspace!) - I'll still use it to organise my thoughts, but I'll also be sharing with you my journey into the realm of Organisation (or should that be Organization?!)
Being organised is my dream! In my final year teaching I cracked the classroom, but unfortunately I'm still losing the fight at home! -Mind you, one of my excuses (and yes I AM clutching at straws!) is that we live in a TINY Tiny little house!
It was fabulous when I lived here on my own in the 2 months before we got married, then DH moved down from up north, along with his record collection and overwhelming pile of Train spotting books, photos and notebooks. Added to all my Teaching "stuff" and Guiding "stuff" things got a little tight!
The DD12 arrived and Grandad (who sadly passed away last May) went doolally! PJ was the apple of his eye and anything she mentioned in his earshot arrived for Birthday or Christmas (we often felt he had missed his vocation, he was just the right shape and had just the right attitude to take on that famous North Pole job!)... so more pressure on the garage!
With the arrival of DD4 and DD2...... well suffice to say that we basically have just too much "Stuff" for the little 2 up 2 down cottage we love!
So. Getting organised. Hmm where to start?
Several years ago I subscribed to Flylady - I read the testimonial's ( I often find them uplifting) and the "Missions" (of which I manage about 1 in 3!) and have tried to build my routines and family organiser (though I must admit I got that from Organized Christmas and then got hooked!)... but I just can't get "into it" enough to keep up the momentum!
So, a slight change of tack for this Blog (hey, no sense starting a new one, it'll just sit there cluttering up cyberspace!) - I'll still use it to organise my thoughts, but I'll also be sharing with you my journey into the realm of Organisation (or should that be Organization?!)
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Snow Day!

As everyone knows, we've had a ridiculous amount of snow over the last week - well, a ridiculous amount for round here anyway! (The picture above was taken on my phone at 6am as I got up on Thursday 5th)
Schools have been closed (much to DD12's disgust, she likes school more than playing with her little sister!) roads have been impassable (due to insufficient grit apparantly) and people have alternately moaned and thrown snowballs!
So, in an attempt to liven up my blog (because I'm an amature who sits in awe of all the fantastic all singing all dancing Blogs with downloads and fancy backgrounds I've been reading recently!) I thought I'd try and upload some of the photos we took of the kids enjoying the snow!
You'll have to bear with me here, it will be an extended intermission. you'll have time to boil the kettle ad make yourself a brew!

We all had fun though, and isn't that the main thing! Lol!
Going "Around the Twist!"
As I write I'm sure I'm slowly going mad!
OK, we all know about "Baby Brain" but is there such a thing as "Toddler Brain" or "Nursery Schooler Brain"?
I've been at home now for almost 2 years, and even without the red bills and bank balances showing minus amounts that seem to fall throught the door with depressing regularity, anyone would know if they tried to hold a conversation with me.
Recently we had the TV on while my Husband was home. He chuckled away to himself all the way through the programme and couldn't understand why I didn't find it amusing. I'd seen the episode several times and could almost recite the script.
- The programme?....... "In the Night Garden"
I can wax lyrical with my 4 year old about the merits of Upsy Daisy dancing instead of singing, (and know who will be the only one out of bed at the end (always Iggle Piggle!), and we've shared all sorts of theories about Makka Pakka's love of stones, but do I know what the current requirements for Numeracy in the classroom are? Or how to plan the "new" phonics work?
Its depressing! :-) Here I am, trawling the recruitment sites of education authorities within a 20mile radius for a job, and yet I now have little understanding of what that job entails!
I'm beginning to think that I'm doomed forever to be several steps behind the general adult population whenever I'm included in a "proper" conversation (thankfully rarely, because I'd be embarassed!)
Is it me - or do other Mums feel the same?!
OK, we all know about "Baby Brain" but is there such a thing as "Toddler Brain" or "Nursery Schooler Brain"?
I've been at home now for almost 2 years, and even without the red bills and bank balances showing minus amounts that seem to fall throught the door with depressing regularity, anyone would know if they tried to hold a conversation with me.
Recently we had the TV on while my Husband was home. He chuckled away to himself all the way through the programme and couldn't understand why I didn't find it amusing. I'd seen the episode several times and could almost recite the script.
- The programme?....... "In the Night Garden"
I can wax lyrical with my 4 year old about the merits of Upsy Daisy dancing instead of singing, (and know who will be the only one out of bed at the end (always Iggle Piggle!), and we've shared all sorts of theories about Makka Pakka's love of stones, but do I know what the current requirements for Numeracy in the classroom are? Or how to plan the "new" phonics work?
Its depressing! :-) Here I am, trawling the recruitment sites of education authorities within a 20mile radius for a job, and yet I now have little understanding of what that job entails!
I'm beginning to think that I'm doomed forever to be several steps behind the general adult population whenever I'm included in a "proper" conversation (thankfully rarely, because I'd be embarassed!)
Is it me - or do other Mums feel the same?!
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