Monday, 29 December 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

OK, so I haven't been back and posted anymore - partly because at this time of year Life has a habit of getting in the way..... but more because (and I'm ashamed to say this!) I FORGOT!!! where my Blog was!!!!!

I blame "Mummy Brain!" (kind of like Baby Brain, but when your kids are older! Lol!) By the time I'm through remembering who asked for what for tea, what time the oldest is coming home from school tonight (her social life resembles that of an 'A' list celeb!) and whether or not I've got bread out of the freezer for the other halfs sandwiches tomorrow.... there just isn't any time left for anything else!

At least, that's the story I'm sticking to!

That's partly the reason for the blog in the first place. Like I said in my first post, I found it helps to put things down "on paper". I do have a journal....... but I also have a nosy 12 yr old! So some things are best kept elsewhere! Besides, everyone knows it's more fun writing on the computer! Ask any of the 'disinterested' 5 to 9 yr olds at local schools. Give them a pencil and they create mayhem about writing. Take them to the computer room and they'll write reams!

Well, the baby's bottles must be cooled now, and as she slept late and missed tea but didn't want any of the other treats I created for her, Im betting she'll be up with the lark tomorrow baying for toast!
Best hit the sack!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Wonder what will happen this time?


I'll be brief - because my lack of expertise has led this to take more time than I expected, it's late now, and as I'm at work tomorrow I really should be hitting the sack, but I wanted to get started!

I began a Blog back in May, when things were all over the place and I was up and down. The hosts pulled the plug on the site a little while ago, but as it helped organise my thoughts I decided to give it another go. -If I get chance I might even drag over the posts from my 'old' attempt!

Don't know how I'll get on this time. I'm one of life's '6 week Diary keepers', no matter what my resolution on January 1st, by March it's been put aside for something else! We'll have to see!